School of Creatology

Helping our Creatives SHiNE as the Stars they are

by mastering their creativity


Creatology, the Subject of Creativity.

Wanting to shine brighter?

The monthly newsletter will help…

What is the School of Creatology?

SoC opens in February, 2025.

It is a small, independent, online, co-creative school

specialising in Creatology, the Subject of Creativity.

SoC helps Creatives SHiNE by:

  • enriching our knowledge about creativity itself
  • strengthening our mastery of creativity
  • amplifying our sense of fulfilment and wellbeing
  • elevating our ability to create the better
  • increasing the likelihood of our creativity’s success

while coming to know:

  • why we are our modern-day heroes
  • why we have a preference for creativity
  • how we create, and
  • what potential we have to create and give.

We do this by:

  • learning about the nature and power of our creativity and creativity itself
  • while being creative
  • in a safe, co-creative culture.


Creatology Award

AUS $960

Creatology Award by the School of Creatology
  • Limited to 22 Creatives
  • Online
  • Term 1, 2025, 9 weeks
  • February 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
  • Monday nights
  • 7.30pm – 9.15pm (AEST)
The mission of the School of Creatology is to


To empower our global, creative social movementto fulfill its soul-lead creative work, by elevating its creative capacity. 

Read more here.


To create a global, pioneering, co-creative school graduating Creatologists, Masters of Creativity.

Read more here.

The mission of the School of Creatology is to


To increase Creatives’ creative capacities and knowledge about creativity, while being creative in a co-creative culture.

Read more here.

Women standing in a circle with their hands overlapping with magic coming out of their palms.


Creatives should be encouraged and positioned so they can do what they do best… generate wellbeing and change.

Read more here.

The mission of the School of Creatology is to

Social + Eco Impact Theory

Our creativity has the capacity to generate transformative social and ecological change.

Read more here.

Why learn about Creativity?

Creativity is intentionally designed to generate new life and new growth.

Our creativity is intentionally designed to generate new life and growth too.

Creativity is our:

  • #1 state of being
  • #1 teacher
  • #1 problem-solver
  • #1 beauty-maker
  • #1 value-adder
  • #1 expressioner
  • #1 innovator
  • #1 inquirer
  • #1 collaborator
  • #1 regenerator
  • #1 wellbeing-maker
  • #1 change-maker
  • #1 transformer
  • #1 manifester
  • #1 (r)evolutionary

and for many Creatives, our

  • #1 way of life.

imagining our future

transforming conditions

being self-sufficient and feeling confident

always knowing how to create

designing and fulfilling projects

being resourceful

shining brightly

living a creative life

growing our gifts, interests and passions

increasing our energy

belonging in a co-creative culture

knowing our true selves

expressing ourselves authentically

collaborating and co-creating

taking steps, taking risks

adding value

Who is SoC here for?

Wizard gnome sits on a log holding a sign that says "reach for the stars" while another gnome riding aw comet returns to earth from high in the sky.

The School of Creatology is designed to help

Creatives who aspire to SHiNE, 

to follow and master

their own light and creative way 

through their:

  • gifts
  • talents
  • ideals
  • curiosities
  • ideas
  • points of view
  • callings
  • visions
  • questions
  • genius
  • interests, and
  • passions.

SoC is dedicated to Creatives because:

1. Creatives, our Prophets of Justice in making, have significant potential to create positive change, but we need encouragement and a knowledge and skills boost to fulfill our creativity’s unmatched ability to change conditions.

2. Creatives tend to share a vision of a better world, or a better way, that has a heart of love, compassion, value-adding, regeneration, and problem-solving, but we need more opportunities to bring our visions to life together because existing pathways are mostly either isolating or lonely, yet our visions are desperately needed.

3. Creatives’ preference for creativity is our super power, but most creatives’ fire power isn’t lit as it can be. We need a way to learn about and practice each of the elements that make up creativity, so we can light up from the inside out and use that energy to fuel our creative work..

4. Creatives long to collaborate and co-create, but we need the practice, away from contest, judgement, and taking, so we can give in groups in the big, wide world in a way that will maintain our creative spark and shine, and that of others.

For example, the School of Creatology is here for:

  • Creatives pursuing success in the creative industry and portfolio / project careers
  • Artists seeking self-expression and self-realistion through creative mastery
  • Students wishing to enhance their creativity while adding Creatology to their subjects
  • Educators specialising in the arts, or teaching in creative and alternative schools, or in leadership roles
  • Entrepreneurs or project managers developing innovative and change-making businesses, organisations, and companies
  • Innovators and inventors with inspiration and ideas for contemporary solutions to contemporary or predicted problems
  • Educators, parents, and community groups intending to form creative primary and secondary schools
  • Activists focussed on creating social and ecological change whether through campaigns, education, enterprise, arts installations, research, etc
  • Parents seeking help to guide their creative child(ren) into their creative potential
  • Spiritualists wanting to be in union with their creative energy / life force
  • Community builders inspired to found or develop co-creative cultures.

Why is SoC here for Creatives?

Wizard gnome sits on a log holding a sign that says "reach for the stars" while another gnome riding aw comet returns to earth from high in the sky.

A huge 25% of Aussies have a preference for creativity*

so 6,750,000 of us seek to express

the nature and power of

our most innovative, problem-solving, wellbeing-enhancing, value-adding, regenerative, collaborative, transformative, soul-fully satisfying, and 

sought-after capacity humankind has.

Yet, we have all been educated in 

  • schools that don’t teach the subject of creativity itself

and most of us have been educated in

  • schools that rarely teach via creativity’s process
  • schools that rarely teach the creative process or creativity explicitly
  • schools that foster academic cultures over creative cultures, and
  • school systems that are now found to reduce (even “kill”) our creativity.

* SGS Economics and Planning. “Valuing Australia’s Creative Industries”. Creative Industries Innovation Centre, 2013

As long as Creatives are under-educated, our creative capacities

and our children’s creative capacities, and

their children’s creative capacities

… our ability to increase wellbeing by transforming conditions

will remain under-developed,

which is extremely bad given the state of our personal and global social and ecological conditions.    

A carpenter gnome scratching his head trying to work out instructions on how to create something.
A heart with a thriving forest inside it sits within a gold frame and blue background.

Expressed Creativity

Read more here.

An upside down heart with a blackened forest inside it sits within a gold frame and grey background.

Suppressed Creativity

Read more here.

What is Creatology?

Wizard gnome sits on a log holding a sign that says "reach for the stars" while another gnome riding aw comet returns to earth from high in the sky.

Creatology is the Subject of the nature and power of Creativity

and it’s nickname is ‘SHiNE’.

Creatology focuses upon:

  • the nature and power of creativity itself, and
  • the nature and power of creativity within us… our own creativity, 

developing our:

  • creative power,
  • creative natures, such as our creative capabilities and creative practices, and
  • creativity knowledge, such as what it is, what it does, how it does it,

so we can bring our inspired ideas

for new life and new growth into being…


Creatology is by Jane Macdonald, a Creatologist (student and educator of creativity), and Founder of SoC.

Creativity as a subject in its own right.

Just as the subject of Biology is the subject of life and living organisms, and Philosophy is the subject of living principles, Creatology is the subject of the nature and power of creativity.

Creativity as a subject in its own right isn’t studied in schools, certainly not here in Australia, but creativity as thinking including design thinking and innovation processes are able to be studied as units in universities. However, most of us don’t undertake these studies.

Limiting our understanding of creativity as thinking or as a process limits our ability to fully develop all of our creative capacities, creative practices, and creative knowledge, therefore limiting what, how, and how well we create. It also excludes the spirit and soul factors… the higher self… the force behind our creativity.

Difference between Art and Creativity.

The subject of Art explores and increases our knowledge and skills of human expression through the making of art forms.

The subject of Creatology explores and increases our knowledge and skills of creativity, including expression,

as the force (the power and nature) behind the making of art forms, as well as omniforms (any forms), and trans-form-ation (changing of forms).

What is the Creatology Award?

The Creatology Award is a certificate 

awarded to Creatives for

  • demonstrating mastery of creativity knowledge, and
  • demonstrating mastery of their creative capacities.

To qualify for the Creatology Award, Creatives must:

  • enrol in and complete the full Creatology Curriculum
  • submit the Satisfaction of Life Scale prior to beginning,
  • receive and provide collaborative support on a project, 
  • create a project that demonstrates your advancing creativity either as an individual creative or with others in the group

and upon completion:

  • submit an updated Satisfaction of Life Scale, and
  • present your project and a self-reflection at an online Presentation Ceremony.

What is in Creatology?

The Creatology Curriculum explores

creativity in 3 streams:

Stream 1. The State of Being Creative 

Uncovering creativity’s nature and power and its nature and power within us, including what it is, what it does, how it does it, and what it gives.

Stream 2. The Way of Creativity  

Experiencing how we live and learn through creativity as we follow our own lights, develop our processes alongside our creative capabilites and practices, and see our creative outcomes reach new heights… walking our creative way.

Stream 3. The Co-Creative Culture 

Discovering the elements of a co-creative culture, the roles creativity and co-creative practices play, how groups go beyond where they have been before, and a group’s power to create change.

    Stream 1


    This first stream focuses upon the nature and power of creativity and its nature and power in us.

    State of Being

    The State of Being has 3 sections.

    Each section is explored to discover the nature and power of creativity and our own creative natures and power.


    The Heart of Creativity, diving deep into the roles love and light play while we are being creative, and in the outcomes of our creativity.


    With the love we have in mind, we explore:

    1. Purpose of Creativity (what it is and what it does)
    2. Functions of Creativity (how it does it), and
    3. Gifts of Creativity (what it gives us when we use it).
    Stream 2


    This middle stream focuses upon creativity’s journey as we build upon our capabilites & practices.

    Way of Creativity

    The Way of Creativity has 3 sections.

    Each section is explored to develop our creative capabilities.


    Creativity as a Living and Learning Journey.

    We uncover ways creativity is a natural teacher and how we are able to learn and develop by it

    while recognising our use of its elements as a way to live our lives, such as in our projects, businesses, communities, homes, relationships.


    With our living journeys in mind, we explore:

    1. Originality of Creativity (the question of origin-ality of creativity itself and within us and our works)
    2. Mastery of Creativity (our creative process, creative capabilities, creative practices, and creative thinking), and
    3. Paradoxes of Creativity (what we find conflicting while being creative).
    Stream 3


    This last stream focuses upon co-creative cultures while we practice being part of one.

    Co-Creative Culture

    The Co-Creative Culture has 3 sections.

    Each section is explored in relation to being in a collective… such as what it is to co-create, how we co-create, and what could be co-created.


    The Liberty of Creativity… creativity as a source, experience, and manifestation of freedom, and freedom as a manifestation of creativity.


    With liberty in mind, we explore:

    1. Co of Creativity (gifts of diversity in unity)
    2. Transformation of Creativity (a group forming change), and
    3. Transcendency of Creativity (a group going above and beyond).

    How is Creatology learnt?

    Light globe of three concentric circles showing Creatology in the middle surrounded by Creative Education held by Creatopia, sit on a stem of other light bulbs.

    The Creative Education Method

    By being creative while learning about creativity, we increase:

    • our knowledge about the nature and power of creativity,
    • our knowledge about our own creative natures and power, and
    • our creative natures and power themselves.

    This method of learning is called Creative Education.

    It is an arts-based approach that leads with a question and inquiry (where all human creativity begins),

    and is experiential, hands-on, project-based… based in do-ing, in be-ing.


    1. bring up and out what we already know about creativity,
    2. build upon that knowledge through discussion and creative experiences, and
    3. develop our creative capacities and creative practices while
    4. integrating what we are learning in our creative projects.

    What kind of projects can Creatives create?

    Our projects might be ones we have already begun and want to build upon, or an idea that we may or may not have begun looking in to, or an idea may not have come yet but we feel a creative ‘itch’.

    Projects could include a new change, a solution, a lifestyle, a livelihood, a difference… something we love… 

    any idea or ideas we want to, need to, feel called to, create.

    A business, a movement, a point of view, an exhibition, a peice of clothing or jewellery, a house, a film, balance, music, an event, a community, a piece of writing, an art work, a philosophy, a program, self-sufficiency, a front door to a home, a YouTube channel, a resculptured body, an app, a regenerated eco-system, a studio, an alternative way of trading, a policy, a piece of furniture, an animal run for the outdoors, a school, alternative power sources, an ecos, a picnic area, a decorated wall, a book, peace, a village, a food forest, a new sport, technology, a gift, a story, a resource of somekind… ideas are endless!

    What is SoC's culture like?

    SoC has a co-creative culture called

    The Creatopia Village.

    The Creatopia Village is an actual, co-creative village (albeit online),

    where all our learning happens, and it’s only for Creatives aged 18+.

    Why is our culture co-creative?

    1. We need relationships to grow with, work with, and learn from others,

    2. We need practice living and working in co-creative cultures for our collective future to be more successful, and

    3. We need an ecos to be creative-sympathetic, because Creatives tend to hold our unique and valuable natures and skills back when we sense there may be a negative consequence for it.

    Community of global Creatives

    Feeling like home, challenging self-expression, creating connections and friendships, networking, finding creatives nearby, messaging, communing.

    Sharing our creativity safely

    Using SoC’s social profiles, linking to external profiles and projects and businesses, posting creative experiences and epiphanies, seeing others, being seen.

    Discussing and collaborating

    Taking creativity knowledge and practice to new heights by chatting and brainstorming about processes, problems, ideas, tools, solutions, projects, and wins.

    Following our inner Star

    Such as our passions, ideas, talents, interests, callings, dreams, genuises, and their individuality, creating from and with them while bringing them to life.

    Designing + developing projects

    Developing new or current or long-lingering projects, promoting and supporting, collaborating on our project and others’ projects, and finding new projects.

    Project progress logs

    Setting intentions for and sharing visions of projects, tracking and monitoring project progress with an in-built project log, receiving feedback, tools, and support.

    Star Creators sharing experiences

    ‘Creatopia’, a podcast with panels of 3 Creatives from diverse sectors, live and filmed, about creativity from their experience, and building connections with them.

    Project Prods

    Receiving practical help in fortnightly, 1-hour Project Prod sessions, sharing project design and development, receiving collaborative and co-creative help.

    Enterprise Eggs

    Receiving help in fortnightly, 1-hour Enterprise Egg sessions, for developing creative ideas into an enterprise; strategic planning, marketing, monetisation etc.

    SoC in an App

    Accessing the school 24/7 on phones or tablets on the Mighty Networks app, or using the school’s Mighty Network URL on desktops or laptops.

    Media Library

    Supporting our growing creativity with resources, articles, research reports, tools and videos, and all classes, Enterprise Eggs, Integration Sessions, and Creatopia Podcast.

    Whole-Village Meetings

    Participating optionally in monthly whole-village democratic meetings, raising and reviewing problems, sharing and creating ideas and solutions, meeting other Creatives.

    Where is SoC?

    SoC is online.

    We are hosted in the Mighty Networks platform.

    The app can be downloaded to our phones and tablets, or we can sign in on a desktop and laptop.

    MNs offers a range of facilities including:

    • social profiles and links to our external profiles and projects
    • seeing who is in our area
    • feeds of posts
    • private messaging
    • topics and chat threads
    • project progress-logs
    • project collaboration spaces
    • whole-village meeting room
    • live classroom
    • interview studio
    • media library, and
    • space to celebrate graduation at the Creatology Award presentations.

    We have a Community Agreement to agree to and abide by. 

    How do Creatives enrol in SoC?

    Social Media words in neon art-deco lights within a neon thumbs up.


    • Learn a little about creativity’s elements
    • Participate in co-creative experiences
    • Uncover insights into your creative nature and power
    • Find out how other creatives live and work, and
    • Realise the value of creativity.
    A letterbox stands with light glowing out of its slot.

    Monthly Newsletters

    • Dive deeper into the month’s creativity elements
    • Get a snap-shot of our social media to save scrolling
    • Receive invitations to PoP-Up classes and events.
    Creatology Award by the School of Creatology

    The Creatology Award

    AUS $960

    • Limited to 22 Creatives
    • Term 1, 2025: Monday nights, 7.30pm – 9.15pm (AEST)
    • 9 weeks: February 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, and March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
    • Live, online within the Creatopia Village 
    • Projects: create an individual project you are already developing or yet to begin OR co-create a project with a social or ecological-change aim
    • Optional creative capacity or creative practice classes each week
    • Create your ‘By the Book’ Book of your own creative guidance
    • Present your project and reflections at the Presentation Ceremony
    • Receive the Creatology Award, and
    • Stay in the Creatopia Village for just the term or years, for free!

    Please complete this form to

    express your interest in

    the Creatology Award

    for terms 2, 3, 4 of 2025

    and beyond.

    Expressions of Interest 

    Creatology Award by the School of Creatology

    Newsletter and a Freebie

    Sign up here for the monthly Newsletter alone, if the poster isn’t your thing.

    PoP-Up Topics

    There are so many topics within Creativity to explore, we don’t make all of them a priority in Creatology. 

    So, they are explored in PoP-Up Topics instead.

    PoP-Ups is a b(v)log-style free library available both here and within the school, of articles, videos, interviews, short classes, challenges, and discussions on these out-of-the Creatology box’s topics.

    What is the Way of Creativity?

    Being creative is a way of being, and our way of creativity is determined only by us in partnership with our creative nature and power.

    Can I create my idea?

    What questions do creatives ask themselves?
    What do they understand that others may not?
    What is the ultimate key to their questions?


    “I can’t give you any advice but this: to go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows.

    At its source, you will find the answer to the question of whether you must create.

    Accept that answer, just as it is given to you, without trying to interpret it.

    Perhaps you will discover that you are called to be a creator.

    Then, take that destiny upon yourself, and bear it, its burden, and its greatness.”

    Rainer Maria Rilke


    The School of Creatology acknowledges the Wurundjeri of the Kulin nation, the Traditional Owners of the mountain Country this school is created on, and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters, and communities. SoC pays respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to Elders past and present.

    The School of Creatology pays respect to our Creatives across the world and their great works that bring beauty, knowledge, and solutions to all of us and our earth. Nothing created by SoC is made with AI. Everything… eg, words, structures, titles, thoughts, sounds, paragraphs, images, are originally created by SoC and paid Creators. Nothing is taken.

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