The Creatology Curriculum

explores concepts in creativity in three streams:

Stream 1. The State of Being Creative

Uncovering Creative Energy made up of creativity’s nature and power and its nature and power within us, including what it is, what it does, how it does it, what it gives, and what is at its heart.

Stream 2. The Way of Creativity

Experiencing how we live and learn through creativity as we develop our process alongside our creative capabilites and practices, and see our creative outcomes reach new heights… walking our creative way.

Stream 3. The Co-Creative Culture

Discovering the concepts of a co-creative culture, the roles creativty and co-creative practices play, how groups generate power to create change, and how groups go above and beyond where they and others have been before.

Inside a library an open gold book has the word Creatolology being written in it with a magical fountain pen.
Stream 1. The State of Being Creative

This first stream of Creatology focuses upon creativity as a state of being.

It has three sections. Each section is explored to discover the nature and power of creativity.

The theme for this stream is the Heart of Creativity, diving deep into the role love plays while we are being creative and in the outcomes of our creativity.

With this in mind, we then explore these three sections:

  1. the Purpose of Creativity (what it is and what it does)
  2. the Functions of Creativity (how it does it), and
  3. the Gifts of Creativity (what it gives us when we use it).
Theme... The Heart of Creativity

Exploring the role being in LOVE plays in creativity, we reflect, get messy, have fun, try new things…

working to determine why, when, and how it is each of us SHiNES from time to time, and how to increase its frequency and frequency.

We explore the main concept of creativity: LIGHT.

Sections... the Purpose, Functions, and Gifts of Creativity

This stream about Creativity as a State of Being has three sections, and each section is made up of three topics. Each topic houses the elements of creativity we will learn about, integrate, and master. 

1. The Purpose of Creativity  Purpose: a result intended, designedly

  • The Fundamental Principle and Key of Creativity
  • The State of Being Creative, and Creativity in Time
  • Choice, Condition, Challenge, Control, Change

2. The Functions of Creativity  Function: a mode of action by which a thing fulfills its purpose

  • Response Ability
  • Reciprocity
  • Resource Fullness

3. The Gifts of Creativity  Gift: a power bestowed

  • Enlightenment (new knowledge)
  • Empowerment (increased capabilities)
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness
Stream 2. The Way of Creativity

This middle stream of Creatology focuses upon the Way of Creativity.

It has three sections. Each section is explored to develop our creative capabilites.

The theme for this stream is Creativity as a Living and Learning Journey.

After exploring creativity’s purpose and our creative state of being, we uncover the ways in which creativity is a natural teacher and how we are able to learn and develop by it

while recognising our use of its elements and process as a way to lead our lives, such as in our projects, our businesses, our communities, our homes,

with the intention of completing Creatology with always knowing how we create.

With this in mind, we explore these three sections:

  1. the Originality of Creativity (the question of origin-ality in creativity itself and within us and our works)
  2. the Mastery of Creativity (our creative energies, capabilities, practices, and thinking), and
  3. the Paradoxes of Creativity (what we find conflicting while being creative).
Theme... Creativity as a Living and Learning Journey

After exploring creativity’s purpose to generate new life and new growth, we uncover:

  • the ways in which creativity is a natural teacher,
  • how we are able to learn and develop by it, and
  • how we are able to lead a creative life,

with the intention of always knowing how we create.

We begin with the topics of:

  • recognition of conditions,
  • problem solving, and
  • overcoming obstacles

before giving rise to:

  • your originality,
  • your creative mastery, and 
  • the paradoxes Creatives experience.
Sections... the Originality, Mastery, and Paradox of Creativity

This stream about the Way of Creativity has three sections, and each section is made up of three topics. Each topic houses the elements of creativity we will learn about, integrate, and master. 

1. The Originality of Creativity   Original: of the beginning

Starting with a discussion about the role of contemplation of one’s spirit in creative endeavours, we explore:

  • Questioning and Questing 
  • The Great Unknown; the creative process and the values of fear and risk
  • Gifts, Talents, Interests, Passions, Callings, Values, Points of View, and Ideation

2. The Mastery of Creativity   Mastery: command of a topic or skill

This topic is the most in-depth and takes the longest, so prepare to challenge yourself and get messy!

  • Creative Capabilities (13 energies with 3 capabilities each such as vision, uniqueness, expression) offered one each week throughout a 12-month cycle and summarised here
  • Creative Practices (9 self-based practices such as self-discipline and self-determination) offered one each month throughout a 12-month cycle and summarised here
  • Creative Thinking (design thinking, lateral thinking, critical thinking)

3. The Paradoxes of Creativity   Paradox: thing conflicting with preconcieved notions of what is reasonable  

  • Creative Process to Creative Cycle
  • Creative Work to Creative Living 
  • Creative Edge to Creative Space
  • Creativity as Consistency, and Creativity as Change
  • Creativity in the Inner and Outer, and Creativity in the Personal and Impersonal.
Stream 3. The Co-Creative Culture

This last stream of Creatology focuses upon co-creative cultures.

It has three sections. Each section is explored in relation to being in a collective… such as what it is to co-create, how we co-create, and what could be co-created.

The theme for this stream is the Liberty of Creativity… creativity as a source, experience, and manifestion of freedom, and freedom as a manifestation of being creative.

With this in mind, we explore these three sections:

  1. the Co of Creativity (gifts of diversity in a group)
  2. the Transcendency of Creativity (going beyond as group), and
  3. the Transformation of Creativity (forming change as a group).
Theme... The Liberty of Creativity

We explore:

  • the freedom and liberty within creativity
  • the question of limitlessness and of creativity occuring in a vacuum of limits,
  • creativity as a freedom that cannot be taken away, and
  • the ways in which creativity expands limits,

along with questions of our:

  • freedom to envision,
  • freedom to choose,
  • freedom to be creative, and
  • freedom to create… to build, to make. 
Sections... the Co, Transcendency, and Transformation of Creativity

This stream about the Co-Creative Culture has three sections, and each section is made up of three topics. Each topic houses the elements of creativity we will learn about, integrate, and master. 

1. The Co of Creativity    Co: compliment, together, jointly, mutually, partnership, equality, in common, unified

  • Adding Value (role of responsability and diversity in values, ideations, interests, passions, callings, and gifts)
  • Collaboration (role of reciprocity in co-based creative practices such as co-motivation and co-organisation)
  • Service (role of resourcefulness in group participation)

2. The Transformation of Creativity   Transformation: to change in form, nature, condition

  • Concentric Transformation (changing of a circle’s core nature),
  • Revolutionary Transformation (changing of a circle’s condition to form an elevated full circle)
  • Evolutionary Transformation (changing the power of a circle to form a new circle… new life, new growth)

where the circle represents anything that has a condition… eg, paint, words, housing, food, forests, villages, organisations. 

3. The Transcendency of Creativity    Transcendence: to rise above, go beyond, ascend

  • Convergent Transcendence (combining gifts together to bring collective vision to new heights)
  • Active Transcendence (problem solving and overcoming obstacles together to go above and beyond current conditions)
  • Emotional Transcendence (the feeling of being in our element or having achieved a new height; the feeling of shining)


Reflecting upon the transformative nature and power of creativity, we finish by exploring the conditions we have transformed through our creative practices.

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