Last updated: 26/06/2024

The School of Creatology is a global, online creative school specialising in Creatology, the Subject of Creativity.

It helps Creators aged 18+ to shine as the stars they are, by mastering creativity.

SoC offers Creatology in two ways:

1. Creatology with a focus on individual projects:

a live program over 9 weeks within our co-creative community on the Mighty Networks platform (recordings available).


2. Creatology with a focus on a co-created group project:  

a live program over 9 weeks within our co-creative community on the Mighty Networks platform (recordings available).

    Both programs qualifies participants for the Creatology Award.

    NB: “The School” in this document refers to the School of Creatology.

    Enrolment Criteria

    • Acceptance of the philosophy, values and practices of the School, as described on this website,
    • demonstration of one’s preference for creativity,
    • demonstration of the ability to collaborate with and support others in their projects and socialise within a co-creative culture, and
    • proof of identity and age of18+ for the online community only.

    (To enrol is SoC, Creatives must have a social media profile preferably with Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or YouTube, or if not, a profile on another platform, so we can verify identity and age. Creatives are asked to provide a link to one of these in the application form. SoC won’t like, follow, etc, share the link, or request any contact via those platforms. SoC uses two ways to contact applicants and participants… via email, or if enrolled, via direct message from Jane’s social profile within SoC to their social profile within SoC.)

    Once enrolled,

    • agreement and adherance to the School’s Community Agreement,
    • creation of a social profile within our School, with external links to personal and professional profiles and websites with no offensive content,
    • participation in Creatology Classes live (or at one’s own pace for individual project participants when offered as a evergreen course), and optional (and included in the cost) Project Prods, Enterprise Eggs, PoP-Up Topics, and the Creatopia Podcast, either live, or at one’s own pace, and
    • authentic and honest use of project-progress logs.


    Enrolment Procedure

    1. After checking out the School in its social media (new 2024) and / or through its newsletter, to decide if we might be a good fit,
    2. Creatives wishing to enrol are required to apply by completing an online enrolment application form, and
    3. are notified with an Offer of Place Email within two days of receipt, as to whether their enrolment has been accepted, or denied, and
    4. complete the few steps outlined in the Offer of Place email to accept the offer and join the School, and
    5. once within the School, participants are asked to:
        • read, agree to and uphold the Community Agreement,
        • watch our Welcome and What Now videos,
        • create a social profile, linking to external social platforms if they wish, and
        • introduce themselves by posting to their timeline
        • set up their project-progress log with either a project or a project idea they intend to explore during their Creatology journey,
        • refer regularly to the Timetable and Events about up-coming Creatology Classes, Project Prods, PoP-Up Topics, Creatopia Podcasts, Enterprise Eggs, and other experiences on offer from time to time,
        • RSVP to these classes and events if intending to participate, and
        • participate in chosen classes and events, collaborate, learn and creatively grow 🙂


      • an enrolment has been denied, the applicant can reapply after 6 months has passed, or appeal the decision by writing to the School’s email;
      • the applicant decides to not accept the place, they don’t need to do anything further;
      • the applicant accepts the place, they are asked to follow the instructions in the Offer of Place email to join the School.

    The Creatology Award

    The Creatology Award is an optional award and it has no additional costs.

    Not all participants will seek to complete the requirements for the Award and therefore, graduate with it.

    The Creatology Award is a certificate awarded to Creatives for:

    • demonstrating mastery of creativity knowledge, and
    • demonstrating mastery of their creative capacities.

    To qualify for the Creatology Award, Creatives need to:

    • submit the Satisfaction of Life Scale prior to beginning,
    • complete the Creatology Curriculum,
    • demonstrate integration of creative practices in a project,

    and upon completion:

    • submit an updated Satisfaction of Life Scale, and
    • present the project and a self-reflection at an online Presentation Night.

    2024 Fees 

    AUS $960, billed upon enrolment and secured with a non-refundable deposit of AUS $50 that is deducted from the total, with the  balance paid upfront no later than 7 days prior to the term commencing, or on a payment plan prearranged with the School with the last installment paid no later than 7 days prior to the Intensive commencing.


    Enrolment Cancellations and Refunds

    Creatology terms:

    If a participant:

    1. feels dissatisfied with Creatology, and they have worked with the School on a solution that remains unsatisfactory, or
    2. is unable to complete Creatology, they may:
    • request a full refund, less their deposit if up to 24 hours before Creatology that the participant is enrolled in commences, or
    • request a 50% refund if within 24 hours of their commencement of Creatology, or
    • request a pro-rata refund for the remainder of the program if the participant has commenced Creatology, or
    • request a 12-month enrolment in Creatopia to complete the classes, or
    • request to transfer to Creatology during a term at a later date
    • by writing to the School’s email address.

    If a partial or full refund has been returned, the enrolment automatically ceases.

    A participant’s enrolment may be cancelled due to:

    • the non-payment of fees, or
    • as a result of non-compliance of the School’s Community Agreement (warnings of enrolment cancellation may or may not be given).


    Enrolment and Waiting List Forms

    All enrolment and waiting list forms are completed online only, and are stored securely under a two-step authenticated cloud account.

    They are accessible only to the School’s Administrator.

    The information within the application forms serve to:

    • determine if a prospective participant is suitable to enroll,
    • verify age, and
    • verify the participant’s identity matches that of the social profile the participant creates within SoC.

    The content of application forms are not shared with any third party, unless required by law.

    Refer also to the Privacy Policy.

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